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Dangerous Foods for Pregnant Women

Without realizing it, there are several types of dangerous food for pregnant women that should not be consumed. These foods are considered dangerous because they are contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or contain certain ingredients that are considered to threaten the safety of the mother and fetus in the womb. Pregnant women need to pay attention to any food intake they consume, including knowing dangerous foods that should not be consumed. This is because every food that pregnant women consume, will affect the health of the fetus in the womb.

Beware of Contaminated Foods

Foods that pregnant women consume can be dangerous if they are contaminated with bacteria and parasites, such as:

Listeria monocytogenes

Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that can be found in soil and water. This bacterium can contaminate plants and animals, so pregnant women must ensure that the fruits, vegetables, and meat consumed are really well maintained. If a pregnant woman is infected with this bacterium (listeriosis), symptoms can be felt such as fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and sore throat. Listeriosis infection in pregnant women is somewhat dangerous, because this bacterium can easily enter the placenta, so there is a possibility to threaten the survival of the baby in the womb. Babies are at risk of being born prematurely, dying in the womb, and miscarriage.

Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis infection. This infection can occur if pregnant women consume undercooked meat that has been contaminated with the toxoplasma gondii parasite. In addition, exposure to cat feces that have been infected with the parasitic toxoplasma gondii can also make pregnant women infected with toxoplasmosis. Symptoms of this infection can be fatigue, fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle aches. Toxoplasmosis can result in miscarriage or the baby dies in the womb. For babies born after having this infection in the womb, there is a possibility that the baby will suffer from serious conditions such as eye infections, jaundice, convulsions, to enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Food ingredients that are dangerous for pregnant women

In addition to being aware of the causes of food contamination that are dangerous for pregnant women, some of the foods below also need to be avoided because of the risk of interfering with pregnancy:

1. Sea fish

Pregnant women must be careful choosing the fish they consume, because some types of sea fish contain high mercury. Fish to avoid, including mackerel, swordfish, tuna and marlin. Research says, excessive exposure to mercury in pregnant women can interfere with the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. It can even affect the vision, motor skills, language, and cognitive of children. If indeed pregnant women want to eat sea fish, choose fish or seafood with low mercury levels such as shrimp, sardines, sea tilapia, and salmon. However, the dose is still limited to no more than 340 grams per week.

2. Raw meat

One of the dangerous foods for pregnant women is raw meat. Foods containing raw meat such as sushi, sashimi, and undercooked steaks need to be avoided during pregnancy for the health of the unborn child. All meat that pregnant women consume should be thoroughly cooked to avoid contamination and food poisoning due to Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, and parasite bacteria.

3. Raw eggs

Pregnant women must ensure that the consumed eggs are cooked evenly before consuming them. This is because raw or half cooked eggs that pregnant women consume may contain Salmonella bacteria. Although not directly harmful to the fetus, consumption of eggs that have been contaminated with Salmonella can make pregnant women experience indigestion in the form of diarrhea and vomiting. This condition risks making pregnant women dehydrated which is certainly dangerous for pregnancy.

4. Several types of cheese

Some types of cheese are made from milk that is not through the process of pasteurization, this risks disrupting pregnancy. In addition, cheese like this is also considered unsafe to consume because it tends to be more moist, thus making listeria bacteria can grow and develop. If pregnant women want to eat cheese, choose hard and dry textured cheese, such as parmesan or cheddar cheese. Pregnant women can also choose soft-textured cheese made from pasteurized milk such as ricotta, paneer, mozzarella, or cottage cheese.

5. Heart

Pregnant women need to be more careful in consuming liver or foods that contain liver during pregnancy. This is because the vitamin A content in the liver is very high, so that it can harm the fetus in the womb if consumed in excessive amounts. Actually, the liver can still be consumed by pregnant women, just not too much or too often. The safe limit for consuming liver for pregnant women is once a month with a reasonable portion.

6. Vegetables and fruits that are not cleaned or raw

Be sure to always wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly under running water. Also avoid eating fruits or vegetables that have been damaged, perforated, or bruised because bacteria can develop in the area. It is important for pregnant women to eat nutritious foods and avoid various foods that are considered dangerous. If pregnant women are still unsure of the food consumed, do not hesitate to ask the gynecologist about safety, while being pregnant. By following the advice of a doctor, the health of pregnant women and fetuses in the womb can be maintained.


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